August 20th, 2009 browsing by day


Moving right along

Thursday, August 20th, 2009


The days just seem to be passing by. Funny how that happens in LA. In NYC we used to count the days until summer and really value it’s length. Here, it’s pretty much been summer for the entire six months we’ve lived here. I’m not complaining, but when each day looks like the last, it gets difficult to notice days passing by. Not working doesn’t help. How do you count down to the weekend when Wednesday’s schedule is pretty much the same as Sunday’s?

I spend a lot of time at my little folding/card-table “desk” Charlie spends a lot of time sleeping on his bed next to me or wandering around the house looking for someplace else to nap. He loves sitting on my lap while I work. I don’t mind it so much either.

We’re at the dog park most days and take walks around the neighborhood. A lot of days Charlie runs errands with me; he loves getting in the car – I think he loves it enough that the ride is worth it even when he has to wait in the hot car for me to go into a “no dogs allowed” store. On my days at home, he keeps me damn good company. This has certainly been the summer of fun for the two of us.

It wasn’t always like this and won’t always be. At some point I’ll have to get a job. I guess.